
Big Weekend Ahead in Ederney!


Firstly, we would all like to wish Decky, Paul and Chris the best as they try and help Fermanagh beat Mayo in their All Ireland Qualifier match this Saturday in McHale Park, Mayo! The game throws in at 3.30pm and is live on RTE. Best of luck Lads!

As part of the upcoming Stetsons, Stilettos and Scarecrows Festival in Ederney, we are running a Monster Bingo Night and another fun filled cycle challenge on the 9th of July 2016.

The Monster Festival Bingo will take place tonight, Thursday the 7th of July @ 9pm in the Festival Marquee at the Club Grounds. There will be numerous prizes up for grabs so don't miss out!

Following on from the successful Four County Challenge last year, we are running a different challenge this year, travelling through two counties on both a 60 and 34 mile cycle. The main reason for this is to raise funds for Neo Natal Unit in the Royal and St Joseph's Ederney.

The planned route will leave Ederney passing through Omagh and up the Gortin Glens and onto Plumbridge.

There will be refreshments available here for a quick pit stop and then back on the bikes for the return journey through Newtownstewart, Ardstraw, Castlederg and Back to Ederney. This route is exactly 60 mile.

The alternative route to this, is a 34 mile cycle where they leave Ederney and head for Drumquin, onto Castlederg and back to Ederney, hopefully meeting up with first group on there way back from Plumbridge.

60 mile too many may seem a daunting obstacle, but hopefully by the end it will be a very enjoyable challenge! This is why there is no excuse as there is a shorter route available as well.

The entrance fee is £20 per person, so please spread the word for what should be a very enjoyable day! For more information on the routes contact the race organisers on one of the two mobile numbers listed:

07786634559 – 07725335088

Helpers Needed!

Just a quick message to all, our club are running 2 events which we are looking a little bit of help with, and for as many members to support as possible.

Firstly the bingo is on at 9-00pm in the Marquee, if anyone is available to help out with parking from 8-30 to 9-15 let me know. Also if you could encourage family or friends to attend that would be great.

Secondly the Cycle is on Saturday morning, registering from 9-30 in the Glendarragh, setting off at 10-00. There is two routes a 34 mile route and a 40 mile route. We need a few volunteers to direct riders at a few junctions, should take approx 1 ½ hrs.

If you are interested in helping out at either of these events let me know asap, text or ring me on 07788436020.

Club Lotto